i dunno i've run out of titles that refer to physical places
here's some stuff that's coming (or not...) to the site Someday!
- ADD LANGUAGE SWITCHER FOR SPANISH TRANSLATIONS - this is the most important task to me but also the most tedious one so i keep putting it off
- improve loading speed
- now page like all the cool kids
- fix cosmetic details on mobile
- fix favicons on all pages
- add more playlists/moods to /beach/
- update /cafe/otgw/ - it's been almost two years and the content feels kinda empty to me now. i'm still really proud of how the layout turned out tho lmfao who cares if it's a mess on mobile
- vsco-esque gallery page for my random photos
- commonplace book? tiddlywiki?
- personal museum - my fav art and other related media, sorted in exhibitions??
- i want to experiment with domino to create brain dump pages that explore central concepts/ideas... kinda like making a mind map of a rabit hole
- dear **** - things i wanna keep close to my heart
- cool events i've been to (concerts, museums, fashion shows, etc)
- a place for site badges
- "doomsday vault"
- eventually i'd like to pay for a proper domain, but it's not a priority for now
- media log
- "preload" images in the homepage? mainly to avoid the lag when the map icons switch colors when hovering them